Blog and Media

Banqer’s $1.5m raise demonstrates value of impact-driven business

Banqer, the financial education platform that’s used by over 50% of primary schools, and a third of secondary schools in Aotearoa, has recently closed a $1.5m NZD capital raise.

Shot over the shoulder of a student useing Banqer High on a desktop computer. A teacher is pointing at the screen.

Why kids must learn about insurance

Managing risk is an important life skill. Parents can help their children understand the importance of insurance with our conversation starters.

Jar half filled with coins, and labelled 'House Fund'

How to build financially resilient kids

Helping your kids build financial resilience is a powerful way to support their financial futures. Explore how, with our top tips for any age.

View from below of a child on a playground swing, against a bright blue sky.

How to talk money with your kids

Talking about money helps your kids become financially capable adults. But doesn’t have to be difficult! Read our tips for productive conversations at home.

Photo of a tip jar.

Farewell to Alex Miller

Alex Miller has moved on from Banqer. He's contributed immensely as a developer to practically every aspect of Banqer Primary and Banqer High.

Banqer team members in a groups shot surrounding ALex miller. He is holding a framed poster with a cartoon version of himself in the same style as the Banqer website.

Online Financial Education Lessons from Banqer

We want to ensure financial education can continue during this period of disruption, so have developed a way for the Banqer lessons to keep going over the next two weeks; Banqer TV.

From Monday 4th to Friday 15th May we’ll be hosting three Banqer lessons a week via Banqer TV. Each lesson will run for 30 minutes and students will be provided with an activity to complete after the lesson …

Composite promo image with text 'Six at home lessons! Banqer TV with Jess & Gemma Register now', faces of Jess and Gemma, logos for Banqer Primary and Kiwibank